enhanced connectivity

Traffic manager

Ensuring the most important applications get priority, while non-business applications get blocked or set to low priority.

Bring your own bandwidth

Our Traffic Manager (SD-WAN) supports all Internet options including Fiber, EoC, T1, DSL/Cable and 4G LTE. You can also boost your bandwidth by using any combination of these Internet connections.

Customized Quality of Service (QoS)

We work closely with you to configure custom QoS application priority based on your specific needs. QoS insures that your critical applications still work regardless of the amount of ongoing network traffic.

connect multiple locations

Easily create an enterprise-grade WAN to securely connect multiple locations. Save money by taking advantage of one or more readily available broadband options.

Never lose connection again

Combining multiple bandwidth sources automatically creates a failover that kicks in if one of your Internet circuits go down. This provides redundancy to keep your business running.
Traffic Manager (SD-WAN) with LTE increases

performance and reliability

Combine Traffic Manager (SD-WAN) with LTE for bulletproof Internet. This is just one of the many ways Traffic Manager (SD-WAN) can increase performance and reliability, all while reducing overall costs.
  • Boost your current circuit
    Use your Traffic Manager (SD-WAN) device to combine traditional broadband with LTE to boost your bandwidth. You have the option to prioritize traffic to favor one over the other.
  • Use LTE as a failover
    We can configure your Traffic Manager (SD-WAN) to use LTE only as a failover, in case your primary circuit goes down. This will help prevent overage charges with your LTE provider.
Cordoba Corporation

case study

Tierzero helps Cordoba Corporation implement an efficient and robust voice and data network.


What is Traffic Manager (SD-WAN)?
Traffic Manager (SD-WAN) is a future technology that most IT decision makers have already adopted to vastly enhance their network infrastructures. Traffic Manager (SD-WAN) is a software overlay that monitors, tests and diagnoses all components of a business communications network, all the time. It’s like an all-seeing network brain that preempts issues before they become problems. A network that is fully understood in this way can be managed and leveraged in all its combinations of pathways and traffic - so that businesses can connect securely and go about their work, on phones, on applications in and out of the cloud, without issues arising to block them.

Do I need Traffic Manager (SD-WAN)?
Does your business operate out of more than one location? Do those office locations communicate over shared or dedicated phone and Internet networks? Is security on your network a prime consideration? Do some employees telecommute or work remotely? Do most of your employees use multiple cloud based applications - daily, and often all at the same time?

If you answered yes to one or more, you will benefit from Traffic Manager (SD-WAN) because it makes all of the above run significantly better. We argue it saves money too because it eliminates slowdowns, shutdowns and all the pesky ‘little’ things that ‘interrupt’ workflow. You want to work smart, be productive, not stand around waiting for the conference room video screen to come back online, or your voice on the phone to stop breaking up so your client can understand what you’re saying. Traffic Manager (SD-WAN) eliminates network unpredictability so you can keep working without interruptions and sustain the highest quality of service for your phone and Internet service at all times.

Are all Traffic Manager (SD-WANs) the same?
All SD-WAN offerings are not equal, in part because all business communications networks are not equal. Hence, Traffic Manager (SD-WAN) products come with different capacities and at different price levels. While Tierzero does provision Traffic Manager (SD-WAN) for any size network we specialize in a mid level offering to meet the needs of average small-to-midsize companies. No matter the scope of your business however, Tierzero’s focus is to deliver networking and security capabilities in a unified solution at a reasonable price, whilst ensuring highest application performance, consolidated management, and advanced protection against threats.

Can Traffic Manager (SD-WAN) work for all my locations?
Yes. The beauty of Traffic Manager (SD-WAN) is that it monitors all branches of any network even if Internet and Phone service is delivered by multiple different vendors using multiple different technologies to multiple different locations. Traffic Manager (SD-WAN) oversees them all like a virtual sensory system allowing the different locations and technologies to “talk” to each other seamlessly, securely, and immediately across any given network.

What's the downside of Traffic Manager (SD-WAN)?
There is none. Across the board Traffic Manager (SD-WAN) streamlines your business communications network to avoid lag, downtime and outages. Any business using VoIP, cloud hosted applications and high speed Internet should consider adding Traffic Manager (SD-WAN) to their network today.

What does Traffic Manager (SD-WAN) cost?
Traffic Manager (SD-WAN) starts at $75 per month, scaling up to a maximum of $350 per month depending on the breadth of the network and the number of locations.

For more information on Tierzero Traffic Manager (SD-WAN), please call us at (800) 504-0000.

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