Upgrade to Reliable

POTS Replacement

Tierzero offers a permanent replacement for all legacy POTS lines, including fire and burglar alarms, elevators, fax, gate access and more.

Redundancy Built In

Our POTS replacements come complete with redundant power and redundant Internet, making it a completely stable and reliable solution.

Unrivaled Support

Tierzero offers the best customer support in the business. We have a highly trained engineer who is standing by ready to take your call.


Nearly every application that required a traditional copper hardline can now be replaced with Tierzero's POTS Replacement device.
Boost Efficiency

Future-Proof Your Business

The PSTN (public switched telephone network) – the copper lines that have delivered phone service to US residents and businesses for over a hundred years – is being put to rest.
  • Avoid POTS line retirement issues
    FCC has ordered that all POTS Lines in the USA be replaced with an alternative service by August 2, 2022. The nation’s copper line infrastructure is currently being replaced by a more efficient IP-based network.
  • Secure your business
    POTS line are still commonly used for the following applications: POS Systems, Elevators, Fax Machines, Security Gates, Overhead Pagers among others.
    Galasso’s Bakery

    case study

    Tierzero helps Galasso’s Bakery implement an efficient and secure private data network.

    what’s challenging your business?

    Whether it’s navigating new projects, overcoming technical hurdles, or finding the right resources, we want to hear about it.