Healthcare, Psychiatric and Behavioral Services
Corona, CA
Seetharam Maddali
IT Manager

Tierzero helps Orange Psychiatric Medical Group implement an efficient data and voice network.

service improvement
operational efficiency
Saved in Tunnel
Unified network
“When we first approached Tierzero, we were really quite frustrated with our current telecommunications situation. Tierzero provided us with options to make our business operate more smoothly and they have performed wonderfully. The Sales and Engineering teams answered all of our questions and made suggestions that made sense. When we need support, the care team is friendly and responsive. Today, Tierzero is our trusted telecommunications partner.”
Seetharam Maddali
IT Manager

the challenge

Seetharam Maddali, IT Manager for Orange Psychiatric Medical Group, is responsible for maintaining an interconnected phone and Internet network between headquarters and branch offices. Since the various offices were located within the footprints of different local carriers and each office had its own on-premise phone system, the task of keeping everyone connected posed several challenges.
Seetharam Maddali reached out to Tierzero with the following challenges:
  • Multiple carriers meant multiple bills which created a burden for the Accounting Team.
  • Secure connections between the locations had been created with a complicated mesh of IPSEC tunnels - all managed from individual devices at each location. This created significant workload and overhead, slowing down the network.
  • If any location had a tunnel issue, it required Seetharam or one of his staff to dispatch to that site to correct the issue. This slowed response times and caused efficiency losses.
  • There was no easy way to transfer calls between locations.
  • Clinicians are always on the move and had no way to take calls over the secure network when they were away from their desks or at another location.
  • Data backups required by law were done using multiple cloud based storage solutions. This was costly. Since each location had to do it’s own backups, it was also tough to keep organized.

the solution

Seetharam Maddali brought the challenges to Tierzero and we took the following actions:
  • Utilizing our Layer 2 connections with major carriers, we were able to service all of his locations under a centralized provider on one straightforward bill.
  • Tierzero created a centrally managed MPLS network between all locations which improved performance and reduced downtime. Since the MPLS is centrally managed by Tierzero, this freed up time for Seetharam allowing him and his staff to focus on core tasks. This meant that users were no longer held-up waiting for them.
  • Using our cloud-based Hosted PBX service, Orange Psychiatric now enjoys a global phone system that allows users to dial by extension between all locations and to transfer calls seamlessly to any user, anywhere.
  • Doctors and Therapists who move between locations now use the Tierzero mobile app to communicate just as if they are sitting at their usual desk, no matter where they may be.
  • By co-locating their own network storage device within Tierzero’s data center, Orange Psychiatric Medical Group was able to cut costs dramatically while increasing the speed and efficiency of their backups.
About Orange Psychiatric Medical Group
Orange Psychiatric Medical Group Inc. has 7 medical offices located throughout Southern California.
Orange Psychiatric Medical Group brings together well-trained psychiatrists and therapists to support adults, children, adolescents, families, and couples. Their collaborative approach tackles a wide range of challenges, specializing in Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry, Clinical Social Work, and Geriatric Psychiatry.
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LA Orthopaedic Center
Implementing an efficient data and voice network
Managed Technology Services
An insight into the Tierzero Partner Program

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